Takis Poulakos

Associate Professor

Takis teaches first-year rhetoric courses, colloquia for rhetoric teachers, undergraduate and graduate courses in various aspects of classical rhetoric, and an undergraduate course on the rhetoric of the sixties.

His publications include two books, Speaking for the Polis: Isocrates' Rhetorical Education and Greek Classical Rhetorical Theory (co-authored); one edited volume, Rethinking the History of Rhetoric; and two co-edited volumes, The Philosophy of Communication and Isocrates and Civic Education. He has served as President of the American Society for the History of Rhetoric and has received numerous grants and awards for his scholarship on classical rhetoric and the history of rhetoric.

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Portrait of Takis Poulakos
PhD, Miami University
Contact Information

University of Iowa
156 English Philosophy Building (EPB)
251 West Iowa Avenue
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States