Portrait of Frederick J. Antczak

Frederick J. Antczak

Former Rhetoric Department Chair
Fred, a former Department of Rhetoric Chair, also served as Associate Dean for Academic Programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Professor in the Rhetoric Department.
Rebecca Blair

Rebecca Blair

Associate Professor of Instruction Emeritus
Provost's Faculty Fellow for Accreditation
Learn more about Rebecca Blair, Associate Professor of Instruction Emeritus and Provost's Faculty Fellow for Accreditation at the University of Iowa.
Will Jennings

Will Jennings

Associate Professor of Instruction Emeritus
Learn more about Will Jennings, Associate Professor of Instruction Emeritus at the University of Iowa.
Portrait of Dennis Moore

Dennis Moore

Associate Professor Emeritus
Before coming to Iowa, Dennis was a postdoctoral intern in linguistics and the teaching of writing at Temple University (Philadelphia) and a Mellon Fellow in the Department of English and the Literature and History Program at Washington University (St. Louis).
Marge Murray

Margaret Murray

Associate Professor of Instruction Emeritus
Marge Murray is an Associate Professor of Instruction Emeritus in the Rhetoric Department and Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at the University of Iowa.
Portrait of Mary Trachsel

Mary Trachsel

Associate Professor Emeritus
Associate Professor Mary Trachsel earned her PhD in English with an emphasis in Composition and Rhetoric from the University of Texas at Austin.